Monday, March 10, 2014

[Happy]? Monday!


It's Monday... and a day after the Day Light Savings Time has hit us once again. 

Did you know it will take about 3 days to get back into a sleep routine from the one hour difference? I know I am suffering the effects! I couldn't get to sleep last night and then my alarm went off WAY too early. 

I'm just chugging through the day! I just wanted to "stop by" and say hello. No, I didn't forget about the blog yet! My next couple posts involve Mexican food. This post is a disclaimer for that. 

I LOVE MEXICAN FOOD.  A lot of my cooking posts will be reflective of such. I made a nice Fajita salad the other day that I wanted to post. Then last night Brad and I took our hand at making guac. Well, let's just say things involved a rubber mallet. I think THAT might be the next post. Ha. 

I need to download the pictures and such, so stay tuned!