What the heck is Lent?
If you aren't aware, Lent is a time of fasting prior to Easter. During the forty days, you sacrifice things (Facebook, TV, Coffee, Sweets, etc.) to better yourself and make you closer to God. Maybe you don't have much to give up, or just want to do random acts of kindness throughout the 40 days. That works too! Either way, it's a time of fasting and becoming closer to the Lord. Also, as Catholics, we give up meat on Ash Wednesday and all Fridays during the Lenten Period. Fish Fries are super popular during this time too.
Usually these are the only days in the entire year I'm super craving a burger (of course). Well Brad and I decided, even though we LOVE Fish Fries, we want to save money and eat healthier this Lenten season. We have been making our own Lenten recipes. We made fish tacos two Fridays ago for Lent. And this past Friday, Brad made us crab quesadillas.
The fish tacos: As a person who doesn't eat fish, I don't really know how to make fish. But I did make the dressing and marinaded the fish!
Let's start with the ingredients:
Ranch Dressing
Chili Powder
Light Sour Cream
Lime Juice
Alaskan Pollock
Old Bay (not pictured)
Other Toppings:
Cole Slaw Lettuce Mix
So again, I tend to look up recipes then do my own version.. of everything.
First the marinade, is just the same marinade I use for my fajitas.
Cumin, Chili Powder, and Lime Juice and I added Old Bay this time.
I graciously poured half of the lime juice into the bottom of the dish, then added my seasonings and fish. I made sure the fish was covered in everything.
I let that sit for a little bit while I worked on the dressing. Most of the favors were the same and pretty basic. I think I'm going to be using this dressing for many other recipes, it is soo good.
It was Cilantro, Cumin, Chili Power, Light Sour Cream, Light Ranch and Lime juice. It's called Chipolte Cilantro Lime dressing. Pretty much amazing. I did a tablespoon of the cilantro & cumin, 1/2 tablespoon of chili powder, the whole little container of sour cream, and a cup of ranch. I just finished off the lime juice of whatever I had left. I used it the next day on a chicken wrap. mm mm
Okay, now for the Fish. I know I promised a guest entry by a professional writer, but Brad never wrote anything so here's what I'm going to tell you.
He pan fried the fish, using Pan Oil Spray and Old Bay Seasoning. He added the Old Bay to make sure it wouldn't stick and fry to the pan. By the last one it was considered blacken from the use of the pan, so he used his Blacken Old Bay seasoning to add flavor.
Here is the finished product. We used Cole Slaw Lettuce mix to add some more flavor to it on Tortilla Soft Shells.
I paired it with cheesy cauliflower. It was very filling and delicious!
Well that's all for now. I am starting the 21 day fix on Wednesday, so be ready for some serious clean eating and portion controlled recipes!