It's been a bit since posting. 21 day fix has kept me busy as has school and work. I'm currently enjoying buffalo chicken dip with carrots for lunch.
Yup, you got that right.. I can eat buffalo chicken dip! It's modified... using Greek Yogurt, shredded chicken, hot sauce and mozzarella cheese. I did 4 oz of chicken and 2 oz of Greek yogurt, as few splashes of hot sauce and 1/4 cup of the cheese. It's pretty much the best thing ever. :)
It counts towards 1 red, 1 blue, and 1 green (for the carrots). It's crazy how much you can still enjoy while on this meal plan just with modifications.
But back to the reason I wanted to post. If you are prepping for this plan, I realize I don't want to cook chicken or whatever meat every day.
I have decided to put a big crock pot of chicken with just enough chicken broth to keep the chicken moist. Basically, cover the bottom of the pot and not much more. I put it on low before bed and turn it off in the morning. It works out perfectly! I have enough chicken for the week, it's shredded so it's easy to put in containers (and use for buffalo chicken dip or wraps). You can always season your individual portions differently so it's a different taste every day.
You don't even have to do this for the 21 day fix or just if you need a quick meal on the go. :)
If you have any other thoughts to make prepping easier, I'm always open to suggestions! Right now I feel like I'm in the kitchen half my days, and it's getting a bit wearing.