Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Turkey Stir Fry - 21 day fix style

Hi! As I said before I'm on this 21 day fix program from Beach Body. It's portion control and daily exercise for amazing results!

Yesterday was my first day. I'm starting at 222 lbs. I didn't take my measurements, because I don't have a measuring tape, but I'm sure my pants will tell me the results soon! I'm currently at a size 18. I'm hoping to be about 10 lbs down and a size 16 or lower by the end of these 3 weeks!

The way the fix works is you get different colored containers and have a certain number of them a day. See below of the chart of what the measurements are. Orange is seeds and dressings, Blue is healthy fats & cheeses, Yellow is carbs, Red is proteins, Green is veggies, Purple is fruit and Teaspoon is oils & butters.

Containers Measurements
Orange 2 tbsp 1 oz        
Blue 5 tbsp 2.5 oz
Yellow .50 cups 4 oz
Red .75 cups 6 oz
Green 1.25 cups 10 oz
Purple 1.25 cups 10 oz

You get to eat A LOT of food. There is a chart to figure out how much you get based on your weight and calorie level. I get 1 orange, 1 blue, 4 yellow, 6 red, 6 green, 4 purple, and 6 tsp a day! That's a ton of food. 

For dinner last night, I used 1 red, 3 green, 1 blue, and 1 tsp. I made a Turkey Stir Fry-esque thing. 

As you can see there is a TON of food on my plate! 

I started with 6 oz of ground turkey and fried it up in 1 teaspoon of olive oil. I, then removed the cooked turkey, and put in the almost 4 cups of veggies of broccoli, cauliflower, and mushrooms into the frying pan and cooked them up for about 10 minutes. 

After everything was cooked, I put them on my plate and put 1/4 cup of sharp cheddar cheese over it all.


The only thing I'd do different would be to add spices to the turkey, it was a little bland! But other than that, a HUGE plate of food and delicious! 

To learn more about the beach body diet: Go to Beachbody.com 

1 comment:

  1. Spices are zero calories :) Thyme and Rosemary would be great on that!!
